Solarpumpe "Oslo 300 Light + Remote"-2 mit FERNBEDIENUNG
Solarpumpe "Oslo 300-2Light + Remote" mit FERNBEDIENUNG. NACHTANSICHT
3 Jahre Garantie, Lebensdauer über 60.000 Betriebsstunden*
(Hinweis weiter unten)
NEU, mit Neuen Funktionen und Ablaufsteuerung!
Max. Förderhöhe (Hmax.) 1,2 m, max. Fördermenge (Qmax.) 300l/h
inkl. 4 Düsenaufsätze
Lichteffekte mit Leuchtring (5 weiße LEDs)
Betrieb ist ohne direkten Sonnenschein möglich
Vollgeladener Akku gewährleistet in der Dunkelzeit 2 - 6 Stunden Betriebszeit
Verbesserung der Wasserqualität in Ihrem Teich (Umwälzung von Wasser und Sauerstoffanreichung)
steckfertiges Solarpumpensystem - sofort einsatzbereit
einstellbarer Winkel des Solarmoduls und 5 Meter Anschlusskabel machen eine optimale Platzierung des Panels im sonnigen Bereich möglich
hochwertiges Solarpanel im stabilen bruchfesten ALU-RAHMEN mit einer Leistung von 3 Watt
integrierter Filter schützt die Pumpe (lässt sich leicht reinigen)
austauschbare Tauchpumpe und Batterie
Das Teichpumpen-Set "Oslo 300-2 Light+Remote" setzt die Kraft der Sonne in fließendes Wasser um. Hochwertige Komponenten bringen das Wasser in Bewegung, sobald das Sonnenlicht die Solarfläche erreicht. Je stärker die Sonne, umso intensiver wird das Wasserspiel! Das beruhigende Rauschen des Wassers gibt jedem Teich die besondere Note und die im Sonnenlicht funkelnde Fontäne ist stets der perfekte Blickfang. Fließendes Wasser sorgt für noch mehr Wohlgefühl in Ihrem Garten und sorgt für ein angenehmes Mikroklima an heißen Sommertagen.
Solar Set "Oslo 300-2 Light+Remote" - Das Lebensgefühl für Ihre Teich-Oase!
Das innovative Solar-Pumpensystem garantiert Ihnen jahrelange Freude. Es hat eine Lebensdauer über 60.000 Stunden, in denen Sie die schönen Fontänen bewundern können, ohne an die stetig wachsenden Strompreise denken zu müssen.
Der eingebaute Akku sammelt Sonnenstrahlen und speichert Energie. Der Betrieb ist somit auch ohne direkten Sonnenschein möglich. Die Bedienung, Anzeigen und Funktion sind wie folgt:
- Solar-Modus: "POWER"-LED leuchtet grün. (SOLAR-MODUS =Die Pumpe wird mit Solarstrom betrieben)
- Batterie-Modus "POWER"-LED leuchtet grün. (AKKU-MODUS = Die Pumpe wird über Batterie betrieben)
- Laden "Charging"-LED leuchtet): Der Akku wird durch Solarpanel aufgeladen.
- Akku ist entladen, die "LOW BAT"-LED blinkt rot. Bei niedriger Batteriespannung schaltet die Steuerung die Pumpe aus und wartet ab, bis der Akku wieder geladen ist. Pumpe startet selbstständig.
1) Drücken Sie ON / OFF-Taste, um das System zu starten. Die Pumpe startet bei der ersten Inbetriebnahme immer im Batteriebetrieb, im Batterie-Mode ist das LED-Kranz-Licht an. Das System prüft alle 15 Sekunden, ob ausreichende Solarleistung vorhanden ist. Wenn die Solarleistung ausreicht, schaltet das System automatisch auf Solarbetrieb um, im Solar-Mode ist das LED-Kranz-Licht aus. Wenn die Solarleistung nicht ausreicht, schaltet das System automatisch auf Batteriebetrieb um, im Baterie-Mode ist LED-Kranz-Licht an.
2) Drücken Sie Pumpe EIN/AUS, um die Pumpe ein- oder auszuschalten.
3) Die Pumpenleistung kann über die Fernbedienung oder an der Pumpe (Pump On/Off) stufenweise geregelt werden.
4) Wenn die Batterie leer ist, stellt das System automatisch die Pumpe ab, um die Batterie zu schützen. "Low Bat."-Licht blinkt rot. Die Pumpe kann nicht arbeiten, bis der Akku wieder aufgeladen ist, dabei ist "Low Bat."- Licht aus. Die Ladezeit der Batterie hängt von der Intensität der Sonneneinstrahlung ab.
5) Die Pumpenleistung kann über die Fernbedienung oder an der Pumpe (Pump On/Off) stufenweise geregelt werden.
*Garantie gilt nur für Teichpumpe, nicht Solarpanel oder Kabel.
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Solar pump "Oslo 300 light + remote ' 2 with remote control Solar pump "Oslo 300 2Light + remote" with remote control. NIGHT VIEW 3 year warranty, lifetime of over 60,000 hours of operation *.(Note below)NEW, with new functions and control flow!Maximum pumping height (Hmax.) 1.2 m, maximum flow rate (Qmax.) 300 l / hincl. 4 nozzlesLight effects with light ring (5 white LEDs)Operation is possible without direct sunshineFully charged battery ensures uptime in the dark hours 2-6Improve the quality of the water in your pond (circulation of water and oxygen enrichment)Plug finished solar pump system - ready to useoptimum positioning of the panels in the sunny area made possible by adjustable angle of the solar panel and 5 meter cablehigh quality solar panel in the stable special aluminium frame with an output of 3 Wattsintegrated filter protects the pump (can easily be cleaned)interchangeable pump and batteryThe pond pump set "Oslo 300 2 light + remote" Converts the power of the Sun in water. High-quality components bring the water in motion, when the sunlight reaches the solar surface. The stronger the Sun, all the more intense is the water game! The soothing sound of water give a special touch every pond and fountain sparkling in the sunlight is always the perfect eye-catcher. Flowing water makes even more sense of well-being in your garden and makes for a pleasant microclimate on hot summer days.Solar set "Oslo 300 2 light + remote"-life feel for your pond OASIS!The innovative solar pump system ensures you years of pleasure. It has a life of over 60,000 hours, where you can admire the beautiful fountains, without having to think on the constantly growing electricity prices.The integrated accumulator collects sunlight and stores energy. The operation is possible also without direct sunshine. The operation, display and function are as follows:-Solar mode: "POWER" led lights up green. (= SOLAR mode the pump is operated with solar power)-Battery mode "POWER" led lights up green. (= Battery mode the pump is operated via battery)-Load "charging" led lit): the battery is recharged by solar panel.-Battery is discharged, the "LOW BAT" led flashes red. Low battery voltage, the controller switches off the pump and wait until the battery has been loaded. Pump starts automatically.(1) press ON / OFF button to start the system. The pump will start for the first time ever in battery mode, in battery mode, the LED ring light is on. The system checks every 15 seconds if there is sufficient solar power. When the solar power is sufficient, the system automatically switches to solar power, solar mode the LED ring light is off. When the solar power is not sufficient, the system automatically switches to battery operation, LED ring light is in battery mode.(2) press pump / off to the pump on / off switch.(3) the performance of the pump can be controlled via the remote control or on the pump (pump on/off) gradually.(4) if the battery is empty, the system automatically turn the pump to protect the battery. "Low bat." Light flashes red. The pump may not work until the battery is recharged, it is "low bat." -Lights out. The charging time of the battery depends on the intensity of the solar radiation.(5) the performance of the pump can be controlled via the remote control or on the pump (pump on/off) gradually.NOTE: THEY MAKE THE SOLAR MODULE ON HIGH-QUALITY ALUMINIUM FRAME PLEASE. CHEAP SOLAR PANELS ARE QUICK SHOCK AND WEATHER SENSITIVE AND GO WITH PLASTIC FRAME OR WITHOUT FRAME VERY THEREFORE BROKEN!* Warranty applies only to the pond pump, not a solar panel or cable.An article within the specified delivery time is not available, so we reserve the right, to deliver the nächstbesseren article after previous customer notification as a substitute.

Solar Pump "Oslo 300 light Remote"-2 with Remote Control
solar pump "Oslo 300-2Light Remote" with remote control. Night view
3 year warranty, lifetime over 60,000 hours *
(note below)
new, with new features, and control flow!
Max. Head (hmax.) 1.2 m, maximum flow rate (Qmax.) 300l/h
incl. 4 Dusenaufsatze
lighting effects with light ring (5 white LEDs)
Operation is possible without direct sunshine
What is the battery life for pixels in the 2 - 6 hours of battery life
improvement of water quality in your pond (circulation of water and Sauerstoffanreichung)
steckfertiges Solarpumpensystem - ready
Adjustable angle of the solar panel and connection cable 5 meters make an optimum placement of the panels in the sunny area possible
high-quality solar panels in the stable resistant ALU-frame with a built-in filter performance of 3 W
protects the pump (easy to clean)
replaceable submersible pump and battery
The Teichpumpen-Set "Oslo 300-2 Light Remote" sets the power of the sun in running water. High-quality components bring the water to move as soon as the sunlight reaches the surface. The stronger the sun, the more intensive the fountain!The soothing sound of the water gives every pond and the special note in the sunlight sparkling fountain is always the perfect eye-catcher. Running water provides for even more comfort in your garden and makes for a pleasant microclimate on hot summer days.
Solar Set "Oslo 300-2 Light Remote" - the feeling for your Teich-Oase !
The innovative Solar-Pumpensystem guarantees you years of joy. It has a service life of 60,000 hours, in which you can admire the beautiful fountains, without electricity prices to the ever-growing need to think.
The built-in battery collects and stores solar energy. The operation is thus also possible without direct sunlight. The operation,Displays and function are as follows:
- Solar-Modus : "power" LED lights up green. (Solar-mode =the pump is operated with solar electricity)
Batterie-Modus "power" LED lights up green. (Battery-mode = the pump is powered by a battery)
- shops "Charging" LED is lit): The battery is charged by solar panels.
- Battery is discharged, the "LOW BAT" LED is flashing red.When there is low battery voltage from the controller will turn off the pump and wait until the battery is loaded. Pump starts automatically.
1) Press ON / OFF-key to boot the system. The pump starts at the first start-up always when the computer is running on battery power, the LED is in the Batterie-Mode Kranz-Licht. The system checks every 15 secondsWhether there is sufficient solar power. If the solar power is sufficient, the system automatically switches over to solar power, the LED is in the Solar-Mode Kranz-Licht. If the solar power is insufficient, the system automatically switches to battery power in the Baterie-Mode is led Kranz-Licht.
2) Press PUMP ON/OFF to switch the pump on or off.
3) The pump output can on the remote control or on the pump (Pump On/Off) be regulated.
4) If the battery is empty, the pump, the system automatically, to protect the battery. Low Bat. " -light flashes red. The pump may not work until the battery is recharged, it is "Low Bat. "- light off.The charging time of the battery depends on the intensity of the sunlight.
5) pump performance may on the remote control or on the pump (Pump On/Off) be regulated.
Note: Please make sure the solar panel on high-quality aluminum frame. Cheap-solar modules without a frame or with plastic frames are very durable and weather-sensitive and are quickly broken!!!
* Warranty applies only to Teichpumpe, not solar panels or wire.
is a part within the specified delivery time not available, we reserve the right, the nachstbesseren article after previous Customer Satisfaction Notification as to provide replacement.