Hallo aus Bremerhaven, die Jacke ist angekommen. Leider mußte ich beim Zoll Gebühren in Höhe von €18,43 entrichten. Bitte um Erstattung dieser Gebühr auf mein PayPal-Konto. Danke für Ihr Entgegenkommen.
hello from bremerhaven, the jacket has arrived. Unfortunately I had to pay the customs fees in the amount of € 18.43. ask for reimbursement of this fee on my paypal account. thank meet for her.
Hello from Bremerhaven, the jacket has arrived. Unfortunately, I had the customs fees in the amount of €18,43 pay. Please refund this charge on my PayPal account. thank you for your courtesy.
Hello from Bremerhaven, the jacket has arrived. Unfortunately, I had at the customs fees in the amount of €18.43 pay. please to refund this fee on my pay Pal-Konto . Thank you for your generosity.