Fragments VALUEs
2. climatic compressor (1) 2nd climatic compressor 2070
2nd-Clutch-Switch ton start (1) start also without stepped clutch 0LOP
ABC (1) ABC do not block does not block 1110
ASC (Active Steering control) (1) ASC missing 2030 more
Abgasrueckfuehrkuehler (1) reserve (high-grade steel radiator blocked) 1230
Abgasrueckfuehrung (1) recycling of exhaust gases available 1201
Alignment recycling of exhaust gases (1) alignment recycling of exhaust gases illegally 2120
Abgleich delimitation quantity (of 1) alignment delimitation quantity illegally 2130
Abgleich injector classifying (1) alignment injector classifying permissible 2151
Abgleich idling speed (of 1) alignment idling speed illegally 2100
Abgleich starting quantity (of 1) alignment starting quantity illegally 2140
Alignment Zuheizer (1) alignment Zuheizer illegally 2110
Allrad (1) no all wheel 1530
Batteriesensor (1) battery sensor missing 1260
Baureihe (1) BR 906 0928 battery management of 2400
DC/DC transducers (1) DC/DC transducer
Bordnetzmanagement missing 2408
DPF (Diesel particle filters) (1) DPF (Diesel particle filter) blocks 1221
DPM release external fashion (1) 2000 deactivate
DPM mode upper limit (1) 2010 deactivate
Dashpot (1) Dashpot activates 1631
Datensaetze (1) data record variant 0 1000
Drehzahlanhebung electrical system Anf. (1) no number of revolutions rise electrical system Anf. 1423
Drehzahlanhebung EFH (1) no number of revolutions rise EFH 1307
Drehzahlanhebung climate Anf. (1) number of revolutions rise climate Anf. 1430
Drehzahlanhebung GNAW (1) no number of revolutions rise GNAW 1940
EHB (1) EHB 1170
EWM/ISM (1) El does not block. Waehlhebelmodul/ISM does not block 1120
EZS (1) El. Zuendschlo blocks 1151
Eco Lenkhelfpumpe (1) ECO-LHP 1870 do not block
Erw. LFS (TGet.oel requirement) (1) basic function 1930
FGR (1) Int. FGR OFF 1662
Fahrdynamikpaket (1) driving dynamics package does not block 1620
Fehlerkennung ECT in combination actively (1) error recognition ECT in combination actively 2531
Generator with LIN interface (1) generator with interface available 1305
Getriebe (1) ISD 1540
Getriebeoeltemp. - Requirement (1) T-Getr-oil-anf at exhausts not actively 2050
Heizungsabsperrventil (1) HZA valve does not block/openly 0870
Hinterachse (1) 3.727 (default NCV2/3) 0736
Hinterrad extent factor (1) U2360 (LT 245/75R16 - default NCV2/3) 0487
InterLOCK switch the USA (1) interLOCK switch the USA 1910
Karosserie (1) vehicle code 7 0957
Kickdown over PWG (1) kickdown over PWG do not block 1210 deactivate
Klima speed ratio (1) climate over. actively 1441
Klimaanlage (1) air conditioning system 1161 block
Klimakomp. OFF at height (1) Klimakomp. OFF at height deactivates 1860
Kochschutz (1) cook protection activates 1801
Fuel filter generation (1) fuel filter GEN4 blocks 2403
Kraftstofffilterheizung (1) fuel filter heating actively 2406
Kuehlerjalousie (1) radiator shutter 1750
LIN Gluehanlage (1) LIN Gluehanlage do not block more
Lanchester (AGW) (1) Lanchester blocks 2021 available 1331
Lastschlag (1) load impact damping activates 1641 more
Linkslenker (1) on the left of steering wheel 1321
Exhaust wake (1) exhaust wake 1760 deactivate
Lueftersteuerung (1) switched exhaust 1700
MFL (1) multifunctional steering wheel 1141
MRM (1) jacket pipe module block 1131 block
Momentbegrenzung parameter set 2(1) moment delimitation parameter set 2 inactively 2572
Momentenbegrenzung (1) moment delimitation activates 2560
Momentenerhoehung transmissions (1) moment increase of the EGS illegally 2600
Engine capacity (1) 110/120 KW of 2365
NSoll change-over (1) NSoll change-over 1820
NT stop valve (1) NT-stop valve deactivate 2060 do not block
Nullmengenkalibrierung (1) alignment VE-drift illegally 2160
Off Road package (1) off Road package 1270
PSM interface (1) PSM interface inactively 1950
Pedalkennlinie (1) KLD do not block 1 1600
Prem air system (1) Prem air system 2040
ROE light one (1) ROE light one do not block activate 1361
RVmax (1) Rvmax1 250 km/h 1460
Reserve (fail-safe bits for ESP_M266) (1) reserve (fail-safe bit for ESP_M266) value 0 1652
Reserve (closed: Transmission bit 3) (1) reserve (closed: Transmission bit 3) value 0 1570
Reserve (closed: Front wheel drive) (1) reserve (closed: Front wheel drive) value 0 1900
SG operating strategy (1) no starter generator functionality 1830
SLP (Diag. and functions) (1) SLP (Diag.und function) deactivates 1810
Schaltempfehlung (1) switching recommendation deactivates 1960
Sensor CAN (1) sensor CAN 1241 block
TM_vorh (1) TM missing 2520
Tanksteuergeraet (1) tank controller blocks 1741
Tsoll fixed (1) Tsoll fixed no - heat management actively 1770
Ambient temperature KLA (1) KLA old conditions 1730 block
Vernetzung electrical system management (1) old 2410
Vernetzung (1) networking M-bus 1100
Vmax (1) 132 km/h 1514
Vorderrad extent factor (1) U2360 (LT 245/75R16 - default NCV2/3) 0187
Vorwaermgeraet (1) preheating equipment missing 1340
WandlerTyp (1) Wandler1 1400
Wasserstandsensor (WFS) (1) water level sensor available 2171
Water level recognition (1) water level recognition 2404 actively
reduced torque (1) moment reduction in the case of NOx errors not actively 2413
Coding string Dec.: 000,008,014,165,160,004,000,001,016,152,004,020,079,021,120,000,252,136,187,187
Coding service: 2.VCD_CRD2_NFZ_Implicit_Coding_unrestricted_20Byte
Fragments VALUEs
2. climatic compressor (2) 2nd climatic compressor does not block
2nd-Clutch-Switch ton start (2) start also without stepped clutch
ASC (Active Steering control) (2) ASC does not block missing more
Abgasrueckfuehrkuehler (2) reserve (high-grade steel radiator blocked)
Abgasrueckfuehrung (2) recycling of exhaust gases missing
Abgleich recycling of exhaust gases (2) alignment recycling of exhaust gases illegally
Alignment delimitation quantity (2) alignment delimitation quantity illegally
Abgleich injector classifying (2) alignment injector classifying illegally
Abgleich idling speed (of 2) alignment idling speed illegally
Abgleich starting quantity (of 2) alignment starting quantity illegally
Abgleich Zuheizer (2) alignment Zuheizer illegally
Allrad (2) no all wheel
Battery sensor (2) battery sensor missing
Baureihe (2)?
Bordentzmanagement battery management
DC/DC transducer (2) DC/DC transducer missing
DPF (Diesel particle filter) (2) DPF (Diesel particle filter) does not block
DPM release external fashion (2)
DPM mode upper limit (2) deactivates deactivated
Dashpot (2) Dashpot deactivates
Datensaetze (2) data record variant 0
Number of revolutions rise electrical system Anf. (2) number of revolutions rise electrical system Anf.
Drehzahlanhebung EFH (2) number of revolutions rise EFH
Drehzahlanhebung climate Anf. (2) number of revolutions rise climate Anf.
Drehzahlanhebung GNAW (2) no number of revolutions rise GNAW
EWM/ISM (2) El does not block. Waehlhebelmodul/ISM does not block
EZS (2) El. Zuendschlo does not block
Eco Lenkhelfpumpe (2) ECO-LHP does not block
Erw. LFS (TGet.oil requirement) (2) basic function
FGR (2)?
Fahrdynamikpaket (2) driving dynamics package does not block
Fehlerkennung ECT in combination actively (2) error recognition ECT in combination not actively
Generator with LIN interface (2) generator with interface missing
Getriebe (2) ISD
Getriebeoeltemp. - Requirement (2) T-Getr-oil-anf at exhausts not actively
Heating stop valve (2) HZA valve/openly
Hinterachse (2) does not block?
Hinterrad extent factor (2)? the
Interlockschalter USA (2) interLOCK switch the USA
Karosserie (2) W
Kickdown over PWG (2) kickdown over PWG does not block deactivates
Klima speed ratio (2) climate over. not actively
Klimaanlage (2) air conditioning system does not block
Klimakomp. OFF at height (2) Klimakomp.OFF at height deactivates
Kochschutz (2) cook protection deactivated
Kraftstofffiltergeneration (2) fuel filter GEN3 blocked
Kraftstofffilterheizung (2) fuel filter heating not actively
Kuehlerjalousie (2) radiator shutter not blocked
LIN Gluehanlage (2) LIN Gluehanlage more
Lanchester (AGW) (2) Lanchester does not block missing
Lastschlag (2) load impact damping deactivates
On the left of steering wheel (2) right-hand-drive vehicle
Luefternachlauf (2) exhaust wake deactivated
Lueftersteuerung (2) switched exhaust
MFL (2) multifunctional steering wheel
MRM (2) jacket pipe module does not block
Momentbegrenzung parameter set 2(2) moment delimitation parameter set 2 does not block inactively
Momentenbegrenzung (2) moment delimitation activates
Moment increase transmission (2) moment increase of the EGS illegally
Motor capacity (2)?
NSoll change-over (2) NSoll change-over deactivated
NT stop valve (2) NT-stop valve not blocked
Nullmengenkalibrierung (2) alignment VE-drift illegally
Off Road package (2) off Road package not blocked
PSM interface (2) PSM interface inactively
Pedalkennlinie (2) KLD 1
Prem air system (2) Prem air system
ROE light one (2) ROE light one does not block deactivated
RVmax (2) Rvmax1 250 km/h
Reserve (fail-safe bit for ESP_M266) (2) reserve (fail-safe bit for ESP_M266) value 0
Reserve (closed: Transmission bit 3) (2) reserve (closed: Transmission bit 3) value 0
Reserve (closed: Front wheel drive) (2) reserve (closed: Front wheel drive) value 0
SG operating strategy (2) no starter generator functionality
SLP (Diag. and function) (2) SLP (Diag.und function) deactivated
Schaltempfehlung (2) switching recommendation deactivates
Sensor CAN (2) sensor CAN not blocked
TM_vorh (2) TM missing
Tanksteuergeraet (2) tank controller does not block
Tsoll fixed (2) Tsoll fixed no - heat management actively
Ambient temperature KLA (2) KLA old conditions
Vernetzung electrical system management (2) blocks old
Vernetzung (2) networking M-bus
Vmax (2) NCV2: 89 km/h; NCV3: 87 km/h
Vorderrad extent factor (2)?
Vorwaermgeraet (2) preheating equipment missing
WandlerTyp (2) Wandler1
Wasserstandsensor (WFS) (2) water level sensor missing
Wasserstandserkennung (2) water level recognition not actively
reduced torque (2) moment reduction in the case of NOx errors actively