Den WM-Erfolg der DFB-Elf in Brasilien feierten Mandy Capristo (24, “Grace”) und Mesut Özil (26) noch gemeinsam, wenig später folgte dann völlig überraschend die Trennung. Über die genauen Gründe schweigen sich beide aus. “Zu diesem privaten Thema werden keine weiteren Statements oder Interviews gegeben”, hieß es im Oktober von Capristos Management.
Hören Sie auf MyVideo Mandy Capristo und Peter Maffay im Duett
Und die Sängerin hält sich daran bis heute. “Es gibt Menschen, die gerne darüber sprechen, aber ich habe noch nie viel über mein Privatleben geredet”, stellt Capristo im Interview mit der Nachrichtenagentur spot on news klar. “Es gibt viele Dinge, die ich einfach schützen möchte. Für mich gibt es ganz klar zwei verschiedene Mandys. Die eine, die in der Öffentlichkeit steht, und die private.”
“Die Medien stecken dich gerne in Schubladen und kreieren dir ein Image, das manchmal gar nichts mit dir zu tun hat”, führt die Sängerin weiter aus. Zuhause sei sie ganz anders als viele vielleicht erwarten würden. “Ich style mich nicht ständig auf, sondern bin ein ganz normales Mädchen. Für mich sind meine Familie und meine Freunde etwas ganz Besonderes, genauso wie mein Partner. Ich lasse diese Menschen ganz nah an mich heran und möchte sie nicht verlieren.”
“Ich habe mich selbst vernachlässigt”
Vor allem die private Seite sei in den vergangenen Jahren zu kurz gekommen. “Fast acht Jahre lang gab es nur die Karriere-Mandy. Ich habe nur gearbeitet und schließlich dann an Kleinigkeiten gemerkt, dass ich mich selbst vernachlässigt habe”, erinnert sich Capristo, die ihren Durchbruch 2006 mit der “Popstars”-Band Monrose (“Temptation”) feierte. Sie habe festgestellt, dass viele Dinge auf der Strecke geblieben seien. “Dinge, die mich zur Frau machen. Ich kann zum Beispiel überhaupt nicht kochen.”
Aus diesem Grund habe sie sich vor eineinhalb Jahren schließlich dazu entschlossen, sich zurückzuziehen, um all diese Dinge aufholen zu können. “Heute fühle ich mich wieder wie ich und habe meine Energiereserven aufgefüllt”, freut sich die Sängerin, die ab dem 7. Januar an der Seite von Dieter Bohlen in der neuen Staffel von “Deutschland sucht den Superstar” in der Jury sitzen wird.
Mandy Capristo (24, "Grace") celebrated the World Cup success of the DFB-Elf in Brazil and still together shortly after the separation, followed by Mesut Özil (26) then unexpectedly. Both mention the exact reasons. "On this private issue any further statements or interviews are given", it was in October of Capristos management.Listen to MyVideo Mandy Capristo and Peter Maffay in DuetAnd the singer holds it to this day. "There are people who like to talk about, but I never talked much about my personal life," Cabrera clarifies on news spot in an interview with the news agency. "There are many things that I just want to protect. For me, there are clearly two different Mandy. "The one that is in the public and the private.""The media like to put you in drawers and you create an image that has sometimes have anything to do with you," the singer continues. At home, she was quite different than many might expect. "I style myself on all the time, but am a very normal girl." For me, my family and my friends are something special, as well as my partner. I leave these people to me up close and don't want to lose them.""I've been neglecting myself"Too short, especially the private side had come in recent years. "For almost eight years there were only the career-Mandy. I just worked and finally noticed on odds and ends that I have neglected myself", remembers Capristo, who in 2006 with the"Popstars"-Band Monrose ("temptation") celebrated their breakthrough. She have found that many things on the line had remained. "Things that make me the woman. I can't cook for example at all."For this reason she have decided finally one and a half years ago, to withdraw, to get all of these things. "Today I feel again like I and filled up my energy reserves", the singer, who will sit from 7th January on the side by Dieter Bohlen in the new season of 'Germany sucht den superstar"on the jury is delighted.

Celebrated the WM-success of the DFB eleven in Brazil Mandy Capristo (24, “Grace”) and Mesut Özil (26) followed still together, a little later then completely surprisingly the separation. Over the exact reasons both remain silent. “To this private topic no further statements or interviews are given”, were called it in October von Capristos Management.
Hear on MyVideo Mandy Capristo and Peter Maffay in the Duett
Und the singer adhere to it until today. “There are humans, who speak gladly about it, but I talked never much about my private life”, place to Capristo in the interview with the press agency spot on news clearly. “There are many things, which I would like to protect simply.For me there are completely clearly two different Mandys. The one, which stands in the public, and which private. “
“the media are you gladly into drawers and create to you an image, which does not have nothing at all with you to sometimes do”, continues to implement the singer. Perhaps at home is it completely differently than many would expect. “I not constantly style myself,separates is a completely normal girl. For me my family and my friends are somewhat completely special, exactly the same as my partner. I allow to come near these humans completely near to me and would not like her not to lose. “
“I have myself neglected”
above all the private side in the past years too briefly came. “Long there only the career Mandy were nearly eight years.I only worked and finally then on little things noticed that I neglected myself, remember” Capristo, which its break-through 2006 with “the pop stars” - volume Monrose (“Temptation”) celebrated. It stated that many things on the distance remained. “Things, which make me the woman. I cannot cook for example at all. ”
For this reason she decided before one and a half years finally to withdraw itself in order to be able to catch up all these things. “Today I feel again as I and my energy reserves filled up myself”, am pleased the singer, who looks for the superstar” starting from 7 January at the side of Dieter Bohlen in the new relay of “Germany in the jury will sit.