Bei den 4 uns kürzlich überlassenen Pumpen liegen die Frequenzen der Grundtöne beim Mainbuzzer maximal 1 [Hz] von den spezifizierten Frequenzen 2673 Hz (“E7”), 2832 Hz (“F7”), 3000 Hz (“FIS7”), 3178 Hz (“G7) bzw. 3367 Hz (“GIS7”) entfernt.
Für die Backup-Buzzer sind die Abweichungen der Grundton-Frequenzen mit maximal 45 [Hz] erheblich größer, was jedoch auch nur einer relativen Abweichung von maximal 1,5% entspricht.
Laut Spezifikation sind Abweichungen von bis 2,5% zulässig. Da der relative Abstand benachbarter Halbtöne allerdings nur etwa 5,9% beträgt, erscheint die zulässige Abweichung jedoch sehr groß. Im Extremfall könnten sich somit Tonabstände von nur 0,9% ergeben.
4 pumps recently provided us the frequencies of basic tones are 2673 Hz ("E7"), 2832 Hz ("F7"), 3000 Hz ("FIS7"), 3178 Hz ("G7) or 3367 Hz ("GIS7") at the Mainbuzzer maximum of 1 [Hz] the specified frequencies. For the backup buzzer, the variations of the fundamental frequencies with maximum 45 [Hz] are significantly larger, which corresponds to only a relative deviation of up to 1.5%. Deviations of 2.5% up to are allowed according to the specification. Because the relative distance of adjacent semitones is however only about 5.9%, the allowable deviation appears but very large. Thus, sound distances in extreme cases may arise by only 0.9%.
In the 4 we recently surrendered pumps 3178, the frequencies of the fundamentals in the Main Buzzer than 1 [Hz] of the specified frequencies 2673 Hz ( "E7"), 2832 Hz ( "F7"), 3000 Hz ( "FIS7")? Hz ( "G7) or 3367 Hz (" GIS7 ") removed.
For the backup buzzer, the deviations of the fundamental frequencies with a maximum of 45 [Hz] are much larger, but this corresponds to only a relative maximum deviation of 1.5% .
According to the specification are deviations of up to 2.5% is permitted. Since the relative spacing of adjacent semitones but is only about 5.9%, the permissible deviation, however, appear very large. In extreme cases, pitch intervals could thus result of only 0.9%.