Die hohen Anforderungen, insbesondere die Ermöglichung hoher Drücke und Temperaturen, erforderten ein sehr sorgfältiges Vorgehen bei der Konstruktion. Die wichtigsten Teilaspekte sind dabei: Vorentwurf des Autoklaven, Kühlsystem und Wärmedämmung, Heizungssystem, Dichtungen, Vakuumsystem, Platzierung des Messsystems
The stringent requirements, in particular allowing high pressures and temperatures, required a very careful approach to the design. The most important aspects are: preliminary draft of the autoclave, cooling system and thermal insulation, heating system, seals, vacuum system, placement of the measuring system

The high requirements, in particular the facilitation of high pressures and temperatures, required a very careful approach to design. The most important aspects are: preliminary draft autoclaves, cooling system and insulation, heating system, seals, vacuum system, placement of the measuring system

the high demands, in particular the facilitation of high pressures and temperatures, required a very careful approach to the design. the main aspects are: preliminary draft of the autoclave, heating system, cooling system and heat insulation, gaskets, vacuum system, placement of the measuring system