Unter allen angemeldeten Teilnehmern verlost die BARMER GEK: HAUPTPREIS: 2 elektrische Zahnbürsten von ORAL-B 1 Stereo Kopfhörer 1 Relaxkissen Gymnastikbänder in verschiedenen Farben Notizbücher, Mini-Fußbälle (solange der Vorrat reicht) u. v. m.
The BARMER GEK raffled among all registered participants:First Prize: 2 electric toothbrushes from ORAL-B1 stereo headphones1 relaxing cushionGymnastics bands in different colorsNotebooks, mini footballs (while supplies last)u. v. m.
Among all registered participants raffled Barmer GEK: GRAND PRIZE: 2 electric toothbrushes of ORAL-B 1 Stereo headphones 1 Relax Pillow gymnastics bands in different colors notebooks, mini footballs (while stocks last) , etc.
among all registered participants at the case out.first prize: 2 electric toothbrushes for oral b1 stereo headphones1 relaxation pillowgymnastikbänder in different colorsnotebooks, mini soccer balls (while stocks last)etc.