O friends, not these tones!
But let us more comfortable: sing
and more joyful.
Joy, beautiful spark of the gods
, Daughter of Elysium,
We enter fire imbibed,
Heavenly, thy sanctuary!
Thy magic reunites
What stern custom has parted;
All men will become brothers
(Schiller : What 's sword has divided;
beggars become princes' brothers)
Where thy gentle wings.
be embraced, millions!
this kiss for all the world!
brothers - above the starry canopy
must a loving father dwell.
Do you fall down, you millions?
Do you sense ? the Creator, world
! Seek him beyond the stars
. he must dwell beyond the stars
who succeeded in the great attempt,
to be a friend of a friend;
Whoever has won a devoted wife,
Join in our jubilation!
Yes, even if only one soul
his calls on this earth!
and who was never able to's, steal
weeping away from this band!
All creatures drink joy
at the breasts of nature;
all good, all evil
. her gift
kisses she gave us, and wine,
a friend, proven in death ;
pleasure was given to the worm,
And the cherub stands before God.
Happy, as his suns fly
through the heavens' glorious plan,
Run, brothers, your race,
Joyful, as a hero to victory.
Be embraced, millions!
this kiss ! the world
brothers, above the starry canopy
must a loving father dwell.
Do you fall down, you millions?
Do you sense the Creator, world?
Seek him in the heavens!
Above the stars he must dwell.
silk embraced, you millions!
this kiss for all the world!
brothers, above the starry canopy
must a loving father dwell.
Be embraced,
this kiss for the whole world!
joy, beautiful spark of the gods
, daughter of Elysium,
joy, beautiful spark of the gods