. Cycling is beneficial in terms of health, cycling also has a number of other benefits:<br>1. Cycling does not pollute the environment and contributes to protecting the environment. According to the Green Peace organization, carbon dioxide, the bonic gases... Due to the general means of transportation, which occupies no less than 13% of greenhouse gas emissions. Of course there is no situation, if we all abandon cars and... Climb the bicycle saddle. This is also an opportunity to reduce noise pollution, since as we know it is in the city, 80% of noise is derived from vehicles.<br>2. Cycling reduces stress as we can converse comfortably on the bike. Specially create the opportunity to get acquainted, easy conversation when men want to make friends with women.<br>3. We are going to save when cycling. Owning a bike does not take much money, the car repair is also cheap. In addition, car retention is also cheaper than other types of vehicles<br>4. Nowadays, traffic jam, congestion is very common in major cities. You will be able to compete for the time when you ride by bicycle by small, compact vehicles and easy parking.<br>5. We will not wear helmets when cycling except for electric bikes. Spoiled the team of fashionable hats without heavy head, very comfortable for the ladies.<br>Bicycles have so many benefits, from now on we should train the habit of mobility by bicycle. I think you'll love cycling when you're just cycling on two sides and you'll love life. Let's get to protect our environment by cycling.